Interface ChartOverlayXYProps


  • ChartOverlayXYProps


height: number

Height of the overlay area.

onMouseMove?: ((pointInfo: HoveredPointInfo) => void)

Type declaration

    • (pointInfo: HoveredPointInfo): void
    • Callback fired when the cursor moves over the overlay.


      Returns void

onMouseOut?: (() => void)

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Callback fired when the cursor leaves the overlay area.

      Returns void

timeseriesList: Timeseries<number>[]

Array of timeseries objects that contain the hoverable points. The component receives a list of timeseries to make it easier to know which series was hovered (not only which point).

width: number

Width of the overlay area.

xScale: ScaleTime<number, number, never>

d3-scale to convert between date points and pixel positions.

yScale: ScaleLinear<number, number, never>

d3-scale to convert between numerical points and pixel positions.

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