Interface ColumnDefinition<R>

Type Parameters

  • R


  • ColumnDefinition


columnId: string

A unique ID that identifies this column.

name: string

The name of the column. It can be used to render the header or to add accessibility labels if the column header doesn't have visible names.

renderCell: FC<{
    columnIndex: number;
    row: R;
    rowIndex: number;

Render the table cell.

renderHeader: FC<{
    column: ColumnDefinition<R>;
    columnIndex: number;

Render the column header.

sorterAsc?: ((a: R, b: R) => number)

Type declaration

    • (a: R, b: R): number
    • Comparator function to use when sorting the table by this column in ascending order. Calling rows.sort(column.sorterAsc) should return the rows sorted by column, in ascending order.


      • a: R
      • b: R

      Returns number

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