Function MetricCatalogProvider

  • The MetricCatalogProvider component and useMetricCatalog hook provide convenient access to the app-level metricCatalog instance. It relies on React context, so make sure that MetricCatalogProvider is a parent of the component that calls useMetricCatalog.

    The best way to do this in Next.js applications is to wrap the page component in _app.tsx.


    // _app.tsx
    import { metricCatalog } from "../../../common/metrics"

    // ...
    <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
    <MetricCatalogProvider metricCatalog={metricCatalog}>
    <Component {...pageProps} />

    Any component that wants to use the metric catalog will usually need to have one or more metrics (or metric IDs) and regions as props, and then use the useMetricCatalog hook to fetch the data.


    interface MetricAwareProps {
    region: Region;
    metrics: Metric[];

    const MetricAware = ({ region, metrics }: MetricAwareProps) => {
    const metricCatalog = useMetricCatalog();
    const { data, error } = useDataForMetrics(region, metrics);
    // ...render component


    React.ContextProvider with the given metricCatalog


    Returns Element

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